Grade Reports and Monday

I am going through the site, and I will post more comments on your journals and the company visits, but I’ve read through everything enough to have a “rough” grade estimate for everyone. Those emails will be going out shortly, and if you have any questions you can reply to my email. In addition, I will be around Palazzo Rucellai this afternoon, so you can catch me after your art history class if you want.

Please note that the estimate assumes that you are on the bus and engaged in the tour on Monday. Remember, this is a long day (but I hope it will be worth it), and the bus leaves SMN train station at the usual place at 7:30. Set an extra alarm if you are worried, or arrange for someone in another apartment to call you in the morning. Missing the day will change the grade estimate, and not in a positive direction…

Also note that I have put some videos up on the company visit page for the OPIM students, and on the Family Business page that will show you the kinds of products we will see assembled on Monday.